winter-utils 0.1.0

Utilities for the Winterfell STARK prover/verifier

Winter utils

This crate contains utilities used by the Winterfell STARK prover and verifier. These utilities fall into the following broad categories:

  • Traits used for serialization and deserialization.
  • Functions for transmuting vectors and slices.
  • Macros for easily switching between regular and parallel iterators.
  • Feature-based re-exports of collections and strings.

Crate features

This crate can be compiled with the following features:

  • std - enabled by default and relies on the Rust standard library.
  • std + concurrent - same as std but also re-exports rayon crate and enables multi-threaded execution for some of the crate functions.
  • no_std + alloc - does not rely on Rust's standard library and enables compilation to WebAssembly.

Concurrent execution

When compiled with concurrent feature enabled, this crate re-exports rayon crate and executes the following functions using multiple threads:

  • transpose_slice()

The number of threads can be configured via RAYON_NUM_THREADS environment variable, and usually defaults to the number of logical cores on the machine.

WebAssembly support

To compile this crate to WebAssembly, disable default features and enable the alloc feature.


This project is MIT licensed.